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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Resource Referral

We have extensive resources we can refer your family to for support.  These resources are continually updated and checked for authentication.  Some of these include, food banks, human services, pet supplies, Spanish translation, utility assistance, Holiday help and meals, shelter referrals, recovery living.

Rent Assistance

            The Connection Center can provide financial assistance for arrears rent in the event that your family falls behind with payments.  We will need you to meet the qualifications which include state or federal photo identification, social security cards, proof of income, birth certificates for your children, signed lease, and demand for rent.  We also can provide security deposit assistance with proof that the rental falls at or below fair market value. 

Utility Assistance

            Energy Outreach Colorado provides funding each year to help our community pay their utility bills.  The Salvation Army processes applications either through The Connection Center or through our Corps locations in Colorado.  The Connection Center can put you on the list for assistance in the Metro Denver area or find a Corps or Service Center in the Intermountain Division to assist you. 

Service Extension

            If you do not have a Corps location or Service Center in your area, The Connection Center can assist you with financial crisis’.  We can help with rent, lodging, transportation, or utilities.  There are limits on these funds for families as we try to be good stewards of the funds and donations we receive.  We have minimal requirements to receive these funds which include state or federal identification, proof of need, copy of bill. 

VISPDAT Assessments

The Connection Center Case Managers are all trained to provide VI-SPDAT assessments.  VI-SPDAT assessments are needed for Coordinated Entry into Rapid Rehousing and other subsidized programs administered through Metro Denver Housing Initiative (MDHI).  The assessment can be done over the phone or in-person and is given to persons who have been homeless for at least a month.  It is a series of questions about your experiences with homelessness, physical and mental health, history of abuse, family life, and background. 

Housing Navigation

Heather can help you find a place to rent.  If you are facing eviction, Heather can help you locate a rental in the Metro Denver area in your price range.  She will need your vital documents and proof of income. 

Crisis Services

Are you homeless and stuck in the Denver Metro area?  If you have family you can return to in another state to live, we can help you return with a bus ticket. 

Do you have a leaky pipe in your home making your home inhabitable? We may be able to help!

Are you ready to lease up but have nowhere to go for a few nights and the shelter is full?  We can help! 

Do you need RTD tickets to get to work so you can pay your rent?  We can help with that!

Other Ways We Meet Needs