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Knowledge is a ticket out of poverty. Image

Knowledge is a ticket out of poverty.

The Salvation Army operates hundreds of after school programs in low and moderate income neighborhoods across the country.

Fifty-seven percent of children between 6 and 17 years old participate in at least one after-school extracurricular activity.

Children were more likely to participate in sports (35%) than clubs or lessons like music, dance and language.

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The Salvation Army has more than 400 after school programs in the United States.

Our first priority is to meet basic human needs, but we recognize the importance of programs that go beyond the basics of food, shelter, clothing and safety. In addition to meeting basic needs, The Salvation Army strives to provide programs that will help children thrive during crucial developmental years - from after school programs and summer camps, to childcare and toys at Christmas.

The Salvation Army supplements and supports kids' educational opportunities through a variety of programs.

Teach Kids Photo

Homework Assistance 
At The Salvation Army, we provide one-on-one teaching assistance to help kids of all ages with school work, study guidance and literacy advancement. We open our doors to anyone in need and never discriminate based on gender, ethnicity or socioeconomic level.

Sports, Clubs and Extracurricular Activities
Through a variety of no-fee and low cost after-school programs, we provide safe ways for kids to make friends and participate in activities they couldn't otherwise afford.

Dance, Art and Music Programs
We work to provide music and arts programs that many schools can no longer afford. From choirs to instrument training, poetry to painting, drama to dance, after-school lessons and activities help introduce children to the beauties of the fine arts.

Troops & Character Development Programs
The Salvation Army's character-building troop programs offered for youth vary from community to community, but all are Biblically based and led by trained volunteers. The Salvation Army's goal is to give young people a safe community in which to grow and prosper. 

Summer Day Camp
This program engages elementary school age children in a fun packed curriculum, including crafts, music, skits, puppets, games, bible lessons, field trips, swimming and community service. Several of the weeks during the summer are dedicated to Vacation Bible School.

High Peak Camp
This program gives youth ages 7-17 a residential camping experience in the beautiful mountain setting of Estes Park, Colorado.

Other Ways We Meet Needs