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"Hungry" is no way to spend childhood.

Every day The Salvation Army helps cure hunger by providing nutritious meals to neighbors in need.

1 in 5 families go to bed hungry each night in the the city of Glendale. 20% of families in Glendale who face very low daily food security - that means they don't always know where their next meal is coming from.

Find a Location

The Salvation Army Glendale provides emergency food at our Social Services Office.

To qualify, persons must live in the city of Glendale or La Crescenta. Food Pantry Hours are Monday - Friday from 1pm to 4pm. New applicants should bring photo id, proof of residency in the city of Glendale or La Crescenta, and income verification. If you have questions, please call our office at 818.246.5586

Each year The Salvation Army in Glendale provides food for more than 8,000 families.

Cure Hunger Photo

Food Pantry
By offering access to free, fresh produce and canned goods, we provide valuable meal supplementation while helping those in need maintain their independence and dignity.
We are preparing to transition to a People's Choice Market, in which families and individuals in need will "shop" for food based on their family's personal needs and tastes. This will enable us to honor the dignity of the people we serve; and allow us to meet the needs of those with religious, dietary, or medical restrictions.

Meals on Wheels
Through our Meals on Wheels programs, volunteers that deliver much-needed sustenance to those who cannot reach a food distribution center. We ensure that the most vulnerable members of society do not go hungry, and we provide a valuable personal and human interaction through wellness checks.

Other Ways We Meet Needs