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Correctional Services Ministries

Throughout The Salvation Army's history, reaching out and ministering to those who are incarcerated has always been important. Although it is often challenging to gain clearance to enter some of these institutions, The Salvation Army has found a way to make Bible Studies available to every inmate in the Western United States: through correspondence courses via mail. 

This sharing of the Gospel made available by mail has touched and changed thousands of lives.

The impact is evident in the personal and heartfelt handwritten letters returned, thanking The Salvation Army for their work. 


The Salvation Army’s Bible Correspondence Courses are guided learning tools that provide each student with biblical knowledge

that forms the foundation for increased insight into one’s purpose and meaning in life.   

The goal is to motivate participants to: 

Read the Bible regularly 

Apply the biblical message to their daily living 

Seek a deeper personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. 

We offer two types of Bible Correspondence courses: our Elementary Series (6 Courses) and Intermediate/Advanced Series (31 Courses), both in English and Spanish.


“Bible correspondence courses are offered to inmates in the United States free of charge.  Inmates can request enrollment via letter, or they may fill out an enrollment form, which we provide to chaplains and institutions. Additionally, our ‘War Cry’ magazine includes an insert where inmates can request Bible courses.

Any of these methods should be returned to The Salvation Army Correctional Services at THQ West, and further details will follow.

After an inmate finishes their courses and sends them back to us, we will send them the next set of courses to complete.

During this time, our numerous volunteers will review and grade their lessons.

Once graded, we will send the course material, along with a certificate of completion and a reward book, to the inmate.

If you have questions or would like more information about how to get involved in the Correctional Services ministry, please contact: