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The Way Out of Homelessness Image

The Way Out of Homelessness

The Salvation Army has been on the frontlines alleviating homelessness in Southern California for more than 100 years. Providing care and aid for all people on the fringes of society is at the heart of The Salvation Army’s mission. Our officers, staff, and volunteers work with individuals every day in Los Angeles County to help them find a way out of homelessness and onto a path to recovery.


Through the three pillars of Prevention, Intervention, and Integration, our Homeless to Home campaign is dedicated to doubling our impact on this urgent crisis. With your help, we can provide a meaningful path out of homelessness for thousands of our neighbors suffering in our streets.


Prevention services are effective ways to halt the growth of the homelessness crisis. Our programs throughout Southern California support at-risk people through food pantries, utility and rental assistance, childcare and youth centers.


Intervention services bring people into a safe, stable environment where they can meet with case managers, find counseling or addiction rehabilitation programs, or find respite in a hot meal or clean bed at a shelter. 


The path out of homelessness requires sustained support and compassion. Integration services leads clients to job placement, skills training classes, and permanent housing, and resources that ensure progress continues.


The Salvation Army has served the homeless population of Southern California for more than 100 years. As leaders in the field with sites across the Southland, our model addresses the crisis at every level, from rental assistance for low-income families on the brink or shelter for veterans with wraparound health services. 87 cents of every dollar donated goes directly to programs and services, and with that comes tangible differences in the lives of people in need