mason carves letters on a stone

Some People's Legacies are Written on Monuments

But your impact will be written on LIVES.


Will Planning Guide

The Guide walks you step-by-step through organizing your estate – gathering all the information on your assets and your wishes into one document that you can take to your Attorney to update or create your Will/Living Trust for the first time. Then keep the document in a safe place for your Executor to use someday. Carefully identifying what you will leave behind and your wishes for your loved ones will be a blessing for your family.

If you, like many of our donors are planning to include The Salvation Army in your Will, we want to ensure that your wishes are honored. Please request the proper language by completing the request below.

Will Creation Online Services

If your Will/Living Trust is not up-to-date, or you need to create one for the first time, and you prefer to create the documents yourself


We will provide access to three online options to create or update your document. It will serve as a final set of directions to help ease loved ones’ minds, prevent disputes and begin the process of settling your estate –no matter the size. All of this will help bring comfort to your family, and clarity to the legacy you wish to leave behind.


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by completing and submitting the form:

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