Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
Through the Pathway of Hope

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What is Pathway of Hope

The Pathway of Hope approach is an initiative that provides individualized services to families with children who desire to take action to break the cycle of crisis and vulnerability that repeats generation after generation. It seeks to address the root causes of poverty. By helping families overcome challenges like unemployment, unstable housing, and lack of education, Pathway of Hope can lead families down a path toward increased stability and, ultimately, self-sufficiency.

Targeting families with children came from the desire to have an intergenerational impact on poverty. By positively influencing the lives of parents, The Salvation Army can create better living conditions for children. Influencing children in their developmental years is crucial, as studies show that children who spend more than half of their life in poverty are 32 times more likely to be in poverty as an adult.

The Pathway of Hope Approach Includes:


Providing targeted services to families with a desire to take action, changing life trajectories, and increasing hope.

Bringing all the Army’s internal resources to bear, aligned with our clients’ goals.

Catalyzing community collaboration in service with shared clients.

Moving families from crises and vulnerability to stability and eventually self-sufficiency, tracking family progress along the way.

Strengths-based case management services

The Pathway of Hope: Stories

Ruth's Story

After leaving an abusive relationship, Ruth was a single mother of six, struggling to make ends meet. She found herself living in her car with her children. “I went into a state of despair.” Watch this video to hear Ruth’s story and the impact The Salvation Army had on her family and their future through Pathway of Hope.

Michelle's Story

Michelle is a great example of persevering through difficult moments and working hard to see the light. She managed to turn her life around after being unemployed and homeless, along with her son, due to caring for her ill parents on the onset of the pandemic. She found herself with nothing and at a crossroads, but soon after, was supported by The Salvation Army through Pathway of Hope.

Maile's Story

When cancer took her husband’s life, Maile was left hopeless, defeated, and broken. How would a single mother support eight children alone? Watch Maile share how everything changed when she met The Salvation Army’s Pathway of Hope.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact

Christopher Doughty

The Salvation Army • USA Western Territory
30840 Hawthorne Blvd, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275