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Our Programs


The Salvation Army Anchorage Community Center Corps

The Anchorage Community Center Corps offers a variety of programs designed to help the community thrive - from worship services to food assistance and hotel vouchers. Learn more

The Salvation Army Anchorage Korean Corps

The Anchorage Korean Corps offers a variety of programs designed to help the community thrive - from worship services to food assistance and hotel vouchers. Learn more

The Salvation Army Clitheroe Center

The Salvation Army Clitheroe Center is a comprehensive substance abuse and dual diagnosis treatment program. We provide professional and affordable treatment services to adults who are addicted to alcohol and other drugs. Our personalized programs of recovery offer clients and their families the opportunity to access services in a residential or outpatient setting. Learn more

The Salvation Army King's Lake Camp

Located in the heart of Alaska's beautiful Mat-Su Valley, The Salvation Army's King's Lake Camp provides an opportunity for children from all over Alaska to learn more about nature and grow closer to God. 

Our program at King's Lake Camp is intended to help young people develop new skills, instill a sense of self-confidence, promote positive social interactions, and discover God's creation. As the Salvation Army is part of the universal Christian Church, each camping session includes fun, captivating, and age-appropriate Bible instruction. Whether by through fun lessons, memorizing bible verses, or singing silly songs, your kids will have the chance to draw closer to God in a new and very real way.

King's Lake Camp provides children with the opportunity to learn new skills or improve upon old ones with a variety of activities such as archery, arts and crafts, boating, swimming, sports, and much more. In addition to this, all of our camps have nutritious USDA-approved meals and a well-trained staff to ensure that the week your child spends at King's Lake Camp is one of the best they have ever had! Learn more

The Salvation Army Older Alaskans Program

The Salvation Army Older Alaskans Program provides home-delivered meals, group meal sites, and assisted transportation to seniors and people with disabilities in need in the Anchorage area. Learn more

The Salvation Army McKinnell House

While at McKinnell House, adults work with a case manager to formulate a plan that will help the family successfully move back into independent housing. Families are required to obtain employment, if not working, and children are connected to educational and support resources. After leaving McKinnell House, families have the continued support of their case manager to develop a support system that will better equip the family for successful, independent living. Learn more

The Salvation Army Serendipity

Serendipity is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of adults with cognitive and functional impairments. Respectful of the dignity of our participants, providing them care and compassion. Committed to the independence and well-being of older persons, and predictable respite for caregivers.

Serendipity’s focused services and activities are based on the needs, strengths, and interests of our clients. Learn more

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